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Meet Our Team

Kim Djerf, CDT


Kim is the Owner of Petrie Dental Lab, a Certified Dental Technician, and has over 30 years' experience.  She is a Ceramist and all-around crown and bridge technician who specializes in Anterior Esthetics, Full Mouth Reconstruction, and is our NobelProcera Dental Designer.  Kim has been a member of the IDLA Study Club, attends continuing education courses, and the Mid-Winter meetings.

Lorie Hudnall, CDT


Lorie is a Certified Dental Technician with over 30 years' experience in dental lab technology.  She is a Ceramist in our Porcelain Department with all-around crown and bridge lab skills.  Lorie also operates our NobelProcera Optical Scanner.  She regularly attends continuing education courses, the Mid-Winter meetings, and has been a member of the IDLA Study Club.

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Sandie Walker


Sandie has over 25 years' experience specializing in crown and bridge technology. She designs custom made quality frameworks. Sandie attends continuing education courses and Mid-Winter meetings regularly. 



Peanut joined our lab in 2015 and is our Chief Canine Technician. She is an expert in Human Relations. Peanut instantly brightens the day of everyone she encounters around the office. She is literally everyone's friend, and this works out pretty well for her because she is never short of someone to give her a belly rub. 


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